The firm has established itself as one of the leading employment and labour law consultants with a view to helping employers become more proactive in employment law-related matters to prevent legal issues before they arise towards benefit to all employees and employers as a whole.

Some of the areas for which the firm provides counseling include employment compliance check, finalizing employment policies, developing and drafting affirmative action plans, termination agreements, alternative dispute resolution mechanisms, early retirement programs, restrictive covenants and employment contracts.
The firm maintains a very large clientele in the competition and antitrust arena including Microsoft, Samsung, Tetra-Pack, Mitsubishi, LG, Moneygram, ZTE, HP, Associated British Foods, Toyota, Amazon, Google, Grameenphone, ZTE, AT&T, Virgin, YKK etc.
Relevant counseling advice has also focused on wage and hour issues, employee privacy rights, employment-related tax issues, family and medical leave matters, unionizing efforts, terminations, leave of absence policies, workers' compensation, safeguarding trade secrets and intellectual property, insurance coverage for employment law claims, and alternative dispute resolution mechanisms for resolving employee grievances and legal claims.
The firm also acts in range of labour and employment disputes including termination disputes and employment benefits. It has qualified lawyers with practice qualification at the highest judicial level i.e. the appellate division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh to pursue employment disputes. It also offers mediation services in resolving industrial disputes as per local rules and regulations.
Some recent matters include:
- Provident / Gratuity fund formation for employees of GE, Children’s Place, Gap, Walmart, Traget, Kmart Group Casino etc.
- Long term incentive planning for corporate entities like BAT, GE, Intertek etc.
- Compliance report for various clients including GAP, Gulf Air, Etihad Airways, HP, Puma, EWM, Benetton, Walmart etc.
- Country framework for entities like GAP, Wal-Mart, Malaysian Airlines, JP Morgan, MISC (Petronas subsidiary), Rina, Chemonics, NEC, Huawei , Pong Hou,
- Microsoft, Google, Amazon etc.
- Disciplinary actions against employees in a number of companies including Saudia Arabian Airlines, Puma, EWM, Etihad Airways, CIMMYT etc.
- Rebadging exercise for clients like Wipro, PepsiCo, etc.