An advocate at the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of Bangladesh, the highest rank among advocates in Bangladesh, Mr. Doulah is one of the best known personalities in the fields of Banking, Finance and Corporate- Commercial Law matters in Bangladesh. He is not only reputed in the context of Bangladesh but also holds a strong reputation internationally among Foreign Clients and Law Firms.
Perhaps the major contribution of Mr. Doulah for Bangladesh legal sector was his achievements at his role of lead local counsel in the Financial Sector Reform Programme under appointment from the World Bank in 1996. The Financial Sector Reform Program was adopted with a view to ensuring the effective role of the financial sector in the economic development of the country through structural and policy change. The project was instrumental in redesigning the banking regulatory platform and regulations of Bangladesh. He also drafted the Bankruptcy Act, 1997. He has also acted in many international and domestic transactions as well. He has wide experience dealing with infrastructure projects, PPIAF and PPI in Bangladesh. He has acted for numerous multilaterals and DFIs in various finance matters in Bangladesh. Some transactional work highlights are provided below:
- Acted for ADB in its first limited recourse sydicated financing in Bangladesh in Chittagong Urea Fertilizer Ltd.
- Acted in structuring almost all of the first generation independent power projects including Khulna Power Plant, Haripur Barge Mounted Power Plant etc.
- Acted as the team leader of D&D team that completed full model documentation for Bangladesh for all sorts of financing in operationalizing two IDA credit windows for the SAARC Development Fund
- Acted in a number of international construction, energy and mining arbitrations for clients like Hyundai Engineering, Niko, Arel Ingenierie, etc.
- Have been Acting in a large number of project finance matters for various multilateral financiers e.g. European Investment Bank, China Exim Bank, China Development Bank etc.
- Led the D&D team participating in World Bank’s Corporate Governance Assessment Project to assess the local regime with OECD counterparts and Impediments to International Integration Project.
One of the best-known lawyers in Corporate Matters and Commercial Litigation in Bangladesh. Client base includes numerous local and international Clients. His strong reputation in Litigation and Corporate matters keeps him well respected to the international conglomerates and cross border law firms. He has extensive experience in negotiating large scale construction contracts and public procurement agreements. Mr. Doulah is considered as the leading IP enforcement lawyer in the region.
Mr. Doulah was an active member of the Financial Sector Reform Project in Bangladesh which was adopted with a view to ensuring the effective role of the financial sector in the economic development of the country through structural and policy change. He has also worked with Badrud Doulah to draft the Bankruptcy Act, 1997. He is also a consultant to USAID and has participated in various projects for USAID including formation of the Bangladesh Tropical Forest Conservation Fund. Some transactional work highlights are provided below:
- Attended a substantial number of arbitrations representing clients like HAM. Saipem, Cargill, Singtel, Gulf Airways.
- Represented numerous clients like Statoil, Cargill, Sony etc. in commercial litigations especially in enforcements of foreign judgments and arbitral awards.
- Sucessfully acted in two of the largest anti dumping suits in US courts involving export of catfish and shrimp to USA
- Acted in the famous for Stevedoring Services of America win over private port at Bay of Bengal dispute before a US Court.
- Enforced the well known marks concept for Nokia in Bangladesh and granted parallel import the status of "Usage" by way of obtaining a landmark and reported judgment from the High Court of Bangladesh.
- Sucessfully acted in some of the largest IP enforcement matters such as for Sony against two hundred cunterfeiters, Toshiba against eighty counterfeiters, Casio against thirty counterfeiters, 3M against over twenty counterfeiters and so on.
- Advised on some of the largest public procurement matters such as river dredging and construction contracts for Jamuna Bridge, Bangabandhu Satellite etc.
A leading corporate lawyer in Bangladesh. She is also very well versed in the areas of corporate finance. Client base includes numerous foreign Clients. She is a consultant to a number of Bangladeshi companies, Banks, Merchant Banks and NGOs. She is long experienced in handling large scale corporate deals, agreements and negotiations. Ms. Khatoon�s expertise in the areas of corporate restructure is considered to be one of the finest in the country. She has established herself as an authority in the field of private sector corporate governance.
Ms. Khatoon is a regular consultant to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and additionally assists ADB in its endeavor of reviewing existing laws of the country and identifying key issues towards impediment to growth of local economy. She was also a member to the D&D team participating in the IFC�s corporate governance assessment project. With specialization in the area of foreign and local investments Ms. Khatoon is well versed in dealing with regulators on various issues. Amina has extensive experience in tax and employment law arena. She also possesses extensive real estate property capabilities. Some transactional work highlights are provided below:
- Retained by a number of conglomerates as their corporate counsel in Bangladesh such as GE, Wallmart, Gap, Kmart, Target, EWM, IDP etc.
- Performed DD and issued legal opinion on thirteen industries of Evergreen Group for its $150m IPO in Hong Kong Exchange
- Acted in transactional and real estate aspects of several solar parks including Suitakhali 50MW power project and Teknaf 200MW power project
- Acted for an Indonesian State Owned Enterprise Semen Indonesia in a high value cement industry in Bangladesh
- Advised Sinohydro in its river control contract for Padma Bridge
- Acted for IFC and Exelerate Energy in Maheshkhali Floating LNG Terminal Project
- Acted for China Railway Construction Company in its potential acquisition of $1billion First Dhaka Elevated Expressway Project
- Acted in a number of corporate dispute matters and arbitrations for clients like Microsoft, EWM, Wendler etc.
With a work experience over fiteen years Mr. Doulah is a leading personality for corporate and finance law matters in the region. Project finance and Documentary Credit are his stressed areas and he has advised in a number of major projects in energy / infrastructure sectors. He has also established himself as an authority in the fields of project development with extensive PPP / infrastructure transaction advisory expertise. He is also an asset/lease finance expert and acts for all major aviation and lease finance corporations of the world including GECAS, Aercape (ILFC) etc. With extensive knowledge in capital and money markets, Mr. Doulah represents a handful number of global institutional investors in Bangladesh including Citibank, Morgan Stanley, Blackrock, etc. Fintech clients include Ant Financial, Microsoft, Amazon, Google etc.
Mr. Doulah possesses a market leading practice in M&A and attends major M&A matters in Bangladesh. In 2008 under instructions of World Bank and IFC he acted as a key researcher to compare local corporate governance standards and practices with its OECD counterparts which was later released as a corporate governance assessment report by World Bank. Mr. Doulah is a member of the Thomas Jefferson School of Law Tax and AML Research teams and an accredited Lexis author with numerous publications. Some major transactional highlights are provided below.
- Acted as local legal counsel for IFC and Excelerate Energy in project development and financing aspects of the first LNG terminal (FSRU) project in Bangladesh at Maheshkhali.
- Acted in major M&As including SZSE / SSE aquisition of Dhaka Stock Exchange, Holcim/Lafarge Merger, Microsoft acquisition of Nokia, Zhenhua's $2bn bid for three gas fields, Ophir acquisition of Santos assets and merger with Medco, AES acquistion of Covanta power assets and so on
- Has been acting in major PPP / infrastructure development projects including all toll road PPPs i.e. First Dhaka Elevated / Dhaka Bypass / RAD Expressways, Payra Port (for JDN), 2nd Kanchpur / Meghna / Gumti Bridges, South Asia Subregional Economic Cooperation Road and so on.
- Acted for sponsors / lenders in project development of major economic zones including Chinese Economic Zone at Anwara and China-Bangladesh Iron & Steel Production Zone
- So far structured and developed over seventy-eight power projects including clients like General Electric, Blackstone, Golar Power, AES, El Paso, CMEC etc
- Acted as Lender's Counsel for IFC, European Investment Bank, Islamic Development Bank, China Exim Bank, China Development Bank, Industrial & Commercial Bank of China in a number of infrastructure / power projects. Acting for SInosure in three large coal fired power projects.
- Acted for all of the latest gas exploration PSC contract awardees including ONGC, OIL, POSCO and Daewoo
Mr. Doulah maintains one of the strongest intellectual property enforcement and prosecution team in Bangladesh at Doulah & Doulah. It is also the largest intellectual property law practice team in Bangladesh maintained by a composite law firm. Working since 1965 the firm so far performed procecution over three thousand trademarks in Bangladesh. In this pusuit Mr. Doulah has attended a large number of objections raised for relevant applications and successfully attended those especially the internatinally reputed well known brands.
Some major transactional highlights are provided below.
- Acted in a large number of technology transfer arrangements including clients like Colgate, GSK, Novartis, Chivas etc.
- Successful Large Scale Enforcement of IP rights of Sony Corporation against 160 counterfeiters of black and white Sony television, marketing of fake Toshiba television
- For Casio against 60 counterfeiters of fake Casio Watch
- Established the concept of well-known mark in Bangladesh to stop any kind of Nokia products in all trademark classes based on the well-known status of the NOKIA mark in Bangladesh
- Established the fact that parallel import and import through unofficial channel is �Usage� in the territorial jurisdiction
- Frontrunner in enforcing IPR rights granted by international treaties like Paris Convention and GATT on cross territorial jurisdictions. Clients include Corocodile, Saybolt, 3M etc.
Eight years’ experience in practicing in corporate laws and company secretarial services. Advised a number of multinational organizations, including Hedge funds under the FCA of the United Kingdom, Dubai based investment funds and companies under several free zones, USA based companies to manage local offices in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Also working with Angel investment funds in India, including SPA management. Mr. Doulah also possesses years of experience and expertise in Patent and Design registrations, implementations and due-diligence of Intellectual properties.
Mr. Islam is a prominent litigation figure in the firm with huge experience in commercial disputes, arbitration, admiralty claim, appeals and reviews. He is also an expert in contentious and non-contentious company matters.
Mr. Islam has represented a number of local and international clients in numerous litigations. His client base include clients like Esso, Exxon Mobile, Globeleq. Caritas etc. He is also a consultant to a number of corporate bodies in Bangladesh namely Alltech, Sears, Intellisoft, Yiecheng, Millennium, Samsung, ABX etc.
A prominent figure in the firm with huge experience in the areas of Documentary Credit, Syndicated Lending, Banking & Finance.
Mr. Ali has represented a number of local and international clients in a number of commercial deals. His recent works include representing Royal Bank of Canada in a secured lending involving substantially large value. Recently he worked on a US$30m syndicated financing arrangement for Grameenphone Ltd, the leading, cell phone network provider in Bangladesh controlled by Norwegian based Telenor . He also represented Pershing Securities in SEC tribunal and advised Commerzbank on its money market / OTC products marketing in Bangladesh.
Mr. Ali is highly experienced in company and regulatory compliance issues. He also have experience in amalgamation schemes such as, equity investments and mergers & acquisitions. He is also an expert on Labour & Employment and Tax laws.
Mr. Ali works for and advises a number of local and international corporate bodies. His recent works include directing El Paso capital gain tax issues in selling its power plants, advising ABB in obligations and arbitration issues involving a major gas contract etc. He is a consultant to a number of multinational corporate bodies in Bangladesh. He also worked for General Electric in its sublease issues in Bangladesh.
Dr. Khatoon is highly experienced the areas of Corporate Law and Intellectual Property matters. She has also finalized a number of key commercial deals.
Dr. Khatoon is highly experienced the areas of Corporate Law and Intellectual Property matters. She has also finalized a number of key commercial deals. She has also acted in a number of large franchising transactions in Bangladesh.
Ms. Nahar is highly experienced the areas of Corporate Law , She is also a next generation emerging litigant acting for some of the leading corporates and Banks.
She advises Bangladeshi corporates in their day to day issues, regulatory isuues etc .Clients include Alteco Chemical Industries, Sony Corporation etc. Besides she is involved in litigation for clients like, Indutech, Cargill, BNP Paribas etc.
Ms. Khatoon is experienced the areas of Corporate Finance. She has finalized a number of key commercial deals in Bangladesh.
She acted in the corporate finance of Consistel Solutions. She finalized a deal on behalf of ABB for supply of equipments to power plants in Bangladesh. Besides she finalized a US$ 75m structured financing in AKTEL GSM by Calyon Bank of Paris.
Ms. Nahar has experience in Micro Credit Fianance, Litigation and Intellectual Property matters. She is an expert in intellectual property matters including enforcement litigation. She is also an expert in Alternative Dispute Resolution matters including Arbitration, Mediation, Negotiation, Conciliation etc.
She is working in a number of projects involving micro-credit finance for different NGOs . Also she is involved in a number of public interest litigations. She is also acting for a number of international clients like Nokia, Sony etc, for Intellectual Property Enforcement Matters
Mr. Doulah is an expert in contentious corporate matters including Labor Laws, Employment Laws and Corporate Taxation. Mr. Doulah is rendering her regular service to a number of the corporates in Bangladesh.
He has been involved in the drafting of employee guidelines etc. for some of the corporates in Bangladesh such as Hewlette Packard, Etihad Airways, Chemonics International, etc. Besides he has recently completed a corporate taxation exemption matter on behalf of El Paso on an significant amount.