Besides advising telecom companies on general corporate, finance and employment issues the firm advises clients on core telecom regulatory aspects with experience of managing a vast range of telecommunications projects. These include advising on licensing, lobbying and regulatory matters, and contractual advice and negotiations in relation to network build, outsourcing, equipment and software supply, service provision and many other issues. Doulah & Doulah was also involved in finalization of the Telecommunication Act, 2001 and Licensing Procedure as a review member.
Its experience in the areas of public procurement, competition laws and consumer protection laws are considered to have made the firm as a one stop solution center to the clients. Regular Clients at D&D includes Microsoft, Telenor, ZTE, Samsung etc. IT franchise projects include clients like Webel Informatics, Wipro, Sun Micro systems, NIIT etc.
Some major matters undertaken are as follows:
- Advised NERA on the 3G Telephony License Auction conducted by Bangladesh Telecom Regulatory Authority
- Advised one European Carrier with repect to Wimax Licensing in Bangladesh
- Advised another Luxembourg based operator for potential Nobile Number Portability License
- Advised SITA on certain radio licensing aspects
- Advised AT&T in dealing with its Fixed Telephony License
- Advised Worldcom in dealing with its Fixed Telephony License
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in KAWP acquisition of E.co stake
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Unisplendour acquisition of Hyalroute
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Khazanah acquisition of E.co stake
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Towershare acquisition of potential tower assets of a mobile operator
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in M1 acquisition of tower assets
- Acted as Seller’s Counsel in Microsoft sale of its feature phone business to Foxconn
- Acted as Common Counsel in Nokia merger with Alcatel Lucent
- Acted as Seller’s Counsel in Singtel sale of stake in a mobile operator
- Acted as Common Counsel in De-merger of tower assets from Bharti Airtel
- Acted as Seller’s Counsel in Mobiserve sale of its interest in Orasinvest
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Wipro acquisition of Grameenphone IT after Accenture Divestment
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Accenture acquisition of Grameenphone IT
- Acted as Seller’s Counsel in Microsoft in its acquisition of Nokia business
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Nokia in its acquisition of Navteq
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Huawei in its acquisition of International Turnkey Systems
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Zingmobile in its acquisition of B2M technologies
- Acted as Buyer’s Counsel in Vimpelcom acquisition of Weather Telecom holding Banglalink GSM
- Advised CGAP in potenial inestment in local telecommunication infrastructures
- Acted for LG in Digital Bangladesh Project, planned to be procured by BTCL with EDCF Funds
- Acted for Oberthur (now IDEMIA) in Electronic Smart Card Generation Project
- Acted for Norwegian Government, AMBITA and Her Majesty's Land Registry (UK) for the largest IT project in Bangladesh for Bangladesh Land Registry Digitization Project being implemented by ten largest IT Firms of Bangladesh
- Advised Microsoft on certain aspects of national scurity program
- Acted for Cybertel in Gateway Earth Terminal Project under join venture with BRTA for a world-class teleport
- Acted for Phoenix Wireless for Rural telecommunication facility establishment in joint venture with BRTA
- Acted for New Zealand Telecom for Rural telecommunication facility establishment in joint venture with BRTA
- Advised Asian Broadcast in local licensing issued
- Advised Space Partnership in procurement of Bangabandhu Satellite
- Advised SaS S.A. with certian satellite transmission contract with a number of local entities
- Advised Intelsat in satellite telecommunication contract with DNS Satcom
- Advised Societe Generale in certains aspets of financing in the Bangabandhu Satellitem
- Accenture contracts with local mobile operators
- Acision contracts with local mobile operators
- Citibank N.A. IT contract
- Upper Reach contracts with local mobile operators
- Akamai access point set-up transaction with Telenor
- Carrier arrangement with Telstra and Tata Telecom Service